Harischandra Kurakkan Flour 400g
Item Code: FL0062
Harischandra kurakkan flour is made by using natural kurakkan seeds.
La farine harischandra kurakkan est fabriquée à partir de graines naturelles de kurakkan.
Galsiyambala 50g
Item Code: FR0143
Contains medicinal properties and is used as an antidote for snake bites.
Contient des propriétés médicinales et est utilisé comme antidote des morsures de serpent.
Chillies Hot (Nai Miris) 100g
Item Code: VG0120
Very famous type of chili in sri lanka. Nai miris adds a unique taste and spiciness to the meal.
Type de piment très célèbre au sri lanka.Nai miris ajoute un goût et un piquant uniques au repas.
Red Basmathi Rice 1kg
Item Code: RC0008
Red basmathi helps in the production of red blood corpuscles.
Red basmathi aide à la production de corpuscles de sang rouge.
Sugar Cane 100g
Item Code: FR0170
Sugar cane is a tropical, perennial grass that forms lateral shoots at the base to produce multiple stems. Eating sugar canes are very famous among sri lankan kids and as well as adults.it works like a medicine.it gives you a shot of instant energy and can enhance live function. And also sugar cane can help the body fight cancer.
La canne à sucre est une graminée tropicale vivace qui forme des pousses latérales à la base pour produire plusieurs tiges. Manger des cannes à sucre est très célèbre parmi les enfants sri-lankais et aussi bien que les adultes. Cela fonctionne comme un médicament. Cela vous donne une dose d'énergie instantanée et peut améliorer la fonction en direct. Et la canne à sucre peut également aider le corps à combattre le cancer.
Passion Fruit 100g
Item Code: FR0163
It contains lots of vitamin c
Il contient beaucoup de vitamine c
Chick Peas(Gram) 1 Kg
Item Code: BB0020
One cup of chick peas contains a bit more vitamins than you need each day.and this vitamin is important for pregnant women.
Une tasse de pois chiches contient un peu plus de vitamines que ce dont vous avez besoin chaque jour et cette vitamine est importante pour les femmes enceintes.
Item Code: VG0151
Cucumber is a widely-cultivated creeping vine plant in the Cucurbitaceae gourd family that bears cucumiform fruits, which are used as vegetables. There are three main varieties of cucumber—slicing, pickling, and burpless/seedless—within which several cultivars have been created.
Jack Fruit – Koss
Item Code: VG0140
This is a traditional sri lankan vegetable.it helps to build muscles and also for good eye sight.
Ceci est un légume traditionnel sri lankan. Il aide à construire les muscles et également à une bonne vision oculaire
Drumstick leaves
Item Code: VG0142
Drumstick leaves are packed with calcium, protein, beta carotene, iron, Vitamin C and more. Leaves are small, ovate to obovate, tear-drop shaped with leaflets about 1 to 2 cm long and 0.5 to 1 cm wide. Leaflets are feathery, vibrant green, smooth, thick and firm usually in tripinnate structure. Drumstick leaves possess slightly bitter flavor having grass like undertone and often with horseradish like heat. While cooking, it releases distinct grassy like aroma.
Kochchi Chillies 100g
Item Code: VG0128
Much spicier than the green chilili. this is used for quick foods in srilanka.it has good smell too.
Beaucoup plus épicé que le piment vert, il est utilisé pour les aliments rapides dans srilanka.il a également une bonne odeur.
Prima Instant Noodle 345g
Item Code: NK0033
This also a famous instant noodle in sri lanka. The special of this is a family noodle pack.
C'est aussi une célèbre nouille instantanée au sri lanka. Le spécial de ceci est un pack de nouilles familiales.
Banana Flower 100g
Item Code: VG0132
Banana flower can support menstrual health, can control diabetes.
La fleur de bananier peut soutenir la santé menstruelle, peut contrôler le diabète.
Brass Kokis Mould Flower
Item Code: SK0211
A special mould of decorating shape such as a flower is used to make kokis. Kokis is a traditional sweets in sri lanka.this mould is coated in a thick batter made from rice flour, coconut milk and beaten eggs.
Un moule spécial de forme décorative comme une fleur est utilisé pour fabriquer des kokis. Le kokis est un bonbon traditionnel au sri lanka.ce moule est recouvert d'une pâte épaisse à base de farine de riz, de lait de coco et d'œufs battus.
Pandan Leaf
Item Code: LE0173
Pandan is a naturaly remedy to slove the dandruff dilemma.
Pandan est un remède naturel pour slover le dilemme des pellicules.
Chow Chow 100g
Item Code: VG0121
This is very famous in sri lankan cusine.chow chow contains essential vitamins and minerals.it is especially rich in vitamin c, which the body does not create on its own.
Chow chow contient des vitamines et des minéraux essentiels.Il est particulièrement riche en vitamine c, que le corps ne crée pas seul.
Brinjal 1kg
Item Code: VG0154
Eggplant, aubergine or brinjal is a plant species in the nightshade family Solanaceae. Solanum melongena is grown worldwide for its edible fruit. Most commonly purple, the spongy, absorbent fruit is used in several cuisines. Typically used as a vegetable in cooking, it is a berry by botanical definition.
Basmathi Rice 1kg
Item Code: RC0007
Basmathi is gluten-free and low in fat.
Basmathi est sans gluten et faible en graisse.
String Hopper Mould Aluminum
Item Code: SK0204
String hoppers is a steamed food which is very popular in sri lanka.so for making it use this mould.
String hoppers est un aliment cuit à la vapeur qui est très populaire au sri lanka, donc pour lui faire utiliser ce moule.
Carrot 100g
Item Code: VG0126
Carrot is weight lost friendly food. it helps to the cholesterol and to improve eye health.
La carotte est un aliment favorable à la perte de poids.Il aide au cholestérol et à améliorer la santé oculaire
Sustagen Nutritional Supplement Vanilla 400g
Item Code: MP0224
Sustagen products have arrange of specially formulated nutritional solutions designed to help you stay strong and active by combining optimal nutrition with an active lifestyle.
Les produits sustagen proposent des solutions nutritionnelles spécialement formulées pour vous aider à rester fort et actif en combinant une nutrition optimale avec un mode de vie actif.
Fresh yellow lemon
Item Code: VG0144
The lemon, Citrus limon, is a species of small evergreen tree in the flowering plant family Rutaceae, native to South Asia, primarily North eastern India. The tree's ellipsoidal yellow fruit is used for culinary and non-culinary purposes throughout the world, primarily for its juice, which has both culinary and cleaning uses.[2] The pulp and rind are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, with a pH of around 2.2, giving it a sour taste. The distinctive sour taste of lemon juice makes it a key ingredient in drinks and foods such as lemonade and lemon meringue pie.
Fresh Kathurumurunga Kola 250 g
Item Code: VG0146
Kola Mallum plays a vital role in Sri Lankan main meals. A Sri Lankan meal is not complete if there is no any green dish added to it. Kathurumurunga Kola Mallum is one of very famous and healthy green dishes and can be cooked in many ways. The taste is great when it is cooked as Mallum.
Fresh Coriader leaf – bunch
Item Code: VG0147
Coriander is an annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It is also known as Chinese parsley, dhania or cilantro. All parts of the plant are edible, but the fresh leaves and the dried seeds (as a spice) are the parts most traditionally used in cooking. Most people perceive the taste of coriander leaves as a tart, lemon/lime taste, but to nearly a quarter of those surveyed, the leaves taste like dish soap, linked to a gene which detects some specific aldehydes that are also used as odorant substances in many soaps and detergents.